
Welcome to the PolarRFX Marketplace

Connect with thousands of companies and expand your sales opportunities, at no cost to your company!

Mapa mundial abstracto con líneas conectando puntos, simbolizando redes empresariales sin costes de conexión.

Reinventing the way to interact with the companies

Increase your sales. Expand your possibilities. Reduce management costs.


  • Access our Marketplace and increase your sales.

Custom Profile

  • Indicate the categories of your interest.
  • Indicate contact persons by geographic area.


  • Receive invitations to the Private Portal from PolarRFX client companies.
  • Request invitations to the public bids of your interest.

Centralized management

  • Maintain your quality certificates in a unified way for all your customers.
  • Traceability of communications.

Contracts, orders and invoices

  • Negotiate your contracts.
  • Receive your orders.
  • I sent your invoices.
Diagrama circular con iconos y texto indicando servicios de análisis, desarrollo y búsqueda en la plataforma PolarRFX.

5 reasons to choose Polar RFX

Reasons to choose PolarRFX

Expand your Customer network and increase your sales, accessing the PolarRFX Marketplace free of charge.

Receive notifications of published tenders for your sales categories, thanks to the PolarRFX Marketplace, you will be able to request invitations to a large number of tenders.

Centralize communications with your customers, keep a history of messages sent, received, calls and make inquiries at any time.

Optimize your quality documentation management, PolarRFX manages and maintains your quality certificates and documents in a centralized repository available to all clients who need them, notifying you in advance about expirations.

Obtenga trazabilidad de sus procesos de ventas, asegurando control y seguridad en las transacciones.

Solicita tu DEMO gratuita

Por favor, completa el formulario y nos pondremos en contacto lo antes posible.

Request your free DEMO

Please complete the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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